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Wikipedia... The Most Overlooked Platform For SEO Strategy

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

Brands have been using Wikipedia since its launch in 2001 to improve their organic search engine rankings and attract more customers so why haven't you?

A Powerful Yet Free Encyclopedia

With its vast content and strong brand recognition, Wikipedia can be a powerful ally for companies looking to increase visibility online. For those new to SEO, it is the process of optimizing your website and its content for better visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). This is done through careful keyword research, creating content with those keywords and building quality links back to your website. Achieving a high ranking on SERPs is key in order to attract more customers and generate more sales.

Wikipedia has become an essential tool in SEO due to its reliable source of knowledge and its powerful brand recognition. A Wikipedia page offers brands an enormous opportunity to organically build a presence on the internet and increase their visibility on SERPs. For starters, Wikipedia entries are often ranked high in search engine results for related topics related to brands. What’s more, linking to other relevant Wikipedia entries can boost your website’s rankings in search engine results. This is especially true when you link to high-authority Wikipedia pages with a good reputation and receive a “dofollow” link back to your website.

Additionally, brands that have a Wikipedia page can benefit from an indirect SEO boost due to the invaluable backlinks and referrals received from Wikipedia’s authoritative web pages. Brands listed in the encyclopedia gain increased visibility and improved SEO because the domain is regarded as a pillar of quality and trustworthiness by search engine algorithms. Linking to content on other websites is also encouraged on Wikipedia, so links to your own website content can be added to your Wikipedia page to drive more readers to your website.

Aside from these SEO benefits, brands can also use Wikipedia to build brand recognition. Because Wikipedia entries are often featured prominently on SERPs, companies have the potential to attract a massive amount of readers who may have never heard of the brand before. Furthermore, the increased credibility associated with having a Wikipedia entry for the brand can help establish trust and recognition among customers, thus improving overall loyalty and customer engagement.

All in all, having a Wikipedia entry has many advantages for companies hence why many businesses have turned to the encyclopedia in an effort to build their online presence. Wikipedia undeniably holds powerful potential for increasing website visibility and improving brand recognition. Therefore, companies interested in making the most out of their online presence should consider leveraging the immense power of Wikipedia to achieve their SEO and brand recognition goals.


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